Today’s harmonica world is the result of the pioneering activities of manufacturers, composers, performers and amateur players. A lot has happened in the last 100 years but it is not very well documented or understood. These books provide some of the background to the artists and the way the music developed.
Book Title
Louis Delin
Backstage Harmonica – Autobiography
Larry Adler
It Ain’t Neccessarily So – Autobiography
Larry Adler
Me and my Big Mouth – more autobiography
Al Smith
Confessions of Harmonica Addicts – A History of American Ensembles
Jane Rodack
Be of Good Cheer – Memories of Harmonica Legend, Pete Pedersen
Kim Field
Harmonicas, Harps and Heavy Breathers – Interviews and stories
Albert Raisner
Le Livre de l’Harmonica – History of The Harmonica to 1960
Ray Grieve
A Band in a Waistcoat Pocket – The Story of Harmonica in Australia
Ray Grieve
Boomerangs and Crackerjacks – The Harmonica in Australia, 1825-1960
Jerry Adler
Living from Hand to Mouth – Larry Adler’s Younger Brother
Max Geldray
Gone With The Wind – Autobiography of a Dutchman in England
Peter Krampert
The Encyclopedia of the Harmonica – Short Bios ofHarmonica Players
Kurt Roessler
Sie Spiel(t)en Mundharmonika – Harmonica Players
Fabrizio Poggi
Il soffio dell’anima: armoniche e armonicisti blues
Martin Haeffner
Harmonica Makers of Germany and Austria
Martin Haeffner
Harmonicas – The Story of Hohner Brands
Christoph Wagner
Die Mundharmonika – ein musikalischer globetrotter
Martin Haeffner
Made in Germany – Played in the USA
Martin Haeffner
“Hohner The Living Legend” – 150th Anniversary
Zong Xiaohua
Chinese Made Harmonica Illustrations
Seventy Years of Hong Kong Harmonica (2004),
Harmonicist’s Handbook, 1991, Singapore
Gian Pasquinelli
Soffiando e Risoffiando – by Armonauti Trio (Italian)
Bruno Kowalczyk
The Harmonica and Traditional Québécois Music
Charlie McCoy
50 Cents and a Box Top
Jean Labre
Musique en bouche
You can read more information about these books and where you might be able to find them on Pat Missin’s fantastic web site about all aspects of harmonicas.
You may have heard of some of these performers and groups but there will probably be others that are new to you. Joe Filisko shares his awesome knowledge of the early blues harmonica players and the techniques they developed to play the instrument. The music styles range from early jazz to country blues and popular novelties. If you like this, Part 2, you can listen to Joe on Part 1, on The Archivist web page.
Most of the recordings are from rare 78rpm shellac records, so be ready for the surface noise. In most cases there are no master recordings and for some of the performances only one or two 78s are known to have survived intact.
0 Introduction , Joe Filisko , 0:00
1 Long Haired Doney , Johnny Woods , 0:20
2 Stove Pipe Blues , Daddy Stovepipe , 3:00
3 Mean Low Blues , Blues Birdhead, 7:45
4 Central Track Blues , William McCoy , 12:00
5 One Mint Julep , Peg Leg Sam , 16:00
6 Black Pine Waltz , Gwen Foster , 19:22
7 Key to the Highway , Jazz Gillum , 24:06
8 Police and High Sheriff , 0llis Martin , 27:18
9 Mouth Organ Blues , Hezekiah Jenkins , 31:03
10 You Belong To Me , Arteleus Mistric , 34:40
11 Blues , Wild Bill Phillips , 40:14
12 Sugar Blues , Salty Holmes/Mattie O’Neil , 44:01
13 Son Brimmer’s Blues , Will Shade/ Memphis Jug Band , 47:40
14 Boarding House Blues , Rhythm Willie , 51:33
15 Mistreatin’ Mama , Jaybird Coleman , 55:20
16 Step It Up and Go , Jordan Webb/Brownie McGhee , 59:50
17 St Louis Blues , Willie “Red” Herman , 63:25
18 Jack 0′ Diamonds , Percy Randolph , 66:20
19 Fourth Avenue Blues , Eddie Mapp , 68:30
20 Tampa Blues , Sheffield and Skoodle Dum Doo , 71:53
21 Troubled ’bout My Soul , Frank Palmes , 75:23
22 Wabash Blues , Johnny O’Brien , 79:54
23 Go Back Home , Hot Shot Love , 83:45
24 Beale Street Breakdown , Jed Davenport ,87:04
25 Baby Please Don’t Go , Whispering Smith , 90:50
26 Hill’s Hot Sauce , Robert Hill , 93:52
27 She’s Got Good Dry Goods , Walter Horton/Little Buddy Doyle , 97:12
28 Drink, Drink, Drink , Robert Diggs , 100:35
You can buy the original double CD without Joe’s added information from – Bluebeat Music
Sit back and listen to Joe Filisko introducing 31 solo harmonica recordings from the 1920-30s. The recordings include many examples of train imitations, fox chases and early blues tunes. Joe mentions which harp and key he thinks is the correct one so maybe you will be inspired to play along. Part 2 is now available here – Rare Early Blues Harp Recordings by Singers and Sidemen introduced by Joe Filisko.
You may have heard of some of the performers but there will probably be others that are new to you. Most of the recordings are from rare 78rpm shellac records, so be ready for the surface noise. In most cases there are no master recordings and for some of the performances only one or two 78s are known to have survived intact.
This video is dedicated to Joe Filisko for sharing his awesome knowledge of the early blues harmonica players and the techniques they developed to play the instrument, and also to Ben Hewlett for contacting me when the recording had been taken offline and explaining how valuable this resource is for teaching blues harmonica. This is an updated version as a video with subtitles to help people with difficulties in understanding the speech.
Over to Joe…
Rare Early Solo Instrumental Blues Harp Recordings introduced by Joe Filisko. Introduction , Joe Filisko, 0:00 1 Cracker Cops , Sonny Terry, 0:30 2 McAbee’s Railroad Piece , Palmer McAbee, 4:15 3 Fox Chase , DeFord Bailey, 8:00 4 Middling Blues , George “Bullet” Williams, 11:30 5 Fast Train , Lonnie Glosson , 15:00 6 Rain Crow Bill Blues , Henry Whitter : 19:00 7 Train , Salty Holmes , 22:40 8 Red Pig , Kyle Wooten , 22:20 9 Train Imitations and the Fox Chase , William McCoy , 28:15 10 Up Country Blues , DeFord Bailey , 32:24 11 The Fox Chase , Wayne Raney , 36:21 12 Frisco Leaving Birmingham #3 , George “Bullet” Williams , 39:15 13 Mocking the Dogs , Edward Hazelton , 42:55 14 The Fox end the Hounds , Roger Mathis , 44:30 15 The Alcoholic Blues , DeFord Bailey , 47:4616 16 Mama Blues , William McCoy , 50:30 17 Train and Model-T Race , Curly Fox , 54:45 18 The Old Time Fox Chase , Henry Whitter , 57:40 19 Riding the Blinds , Eddie Mapp , 60:40 20 Dixie Flyer Blues , DeFord Bailey , 64:40 21 C & N.W Blues , D.H Bert Bilbro , 68:25 22 Fox Chase , Salty Holmes, 72:30 23 Devil in the Woodpile , Noah Lewis, 74:20 24 Lost John , Lonnie Glosson , 77:50 25 Pan-American Blues , DeFord Bailey , 81:35 26 Lost John , Walter “Red” Parham , 85:15 27 Mocking the Train , Edward Hazelton , 87:05 28 Lost John , Oliver Sims , 88:25 29 Muscle Shoals Blues , DeFord Bailey , 92:15 30 When the Saints Go Marching In , Jesse Stroller, 95:55 31 Poor Little June Bug , Sonny Terry , 97.15
You can buy the original double CD without Joe’s added information from – Bluebeat Music